A list of (mostly) free or open source C# and ASP.NET tools, plugins, and libraries for internationalization including UI messages, ICU MessageFormat and localization with resx resources. Sourced under a creative commons. This list will be updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.

C# UI messages, ICU messageFormat and localization with resx resources

  • i18n – Smart internationalization for ASP.NET MVC
  • MessageFormat.NET – ICU MessageFormat implementation in .NET lets you write contextual UI messages (PCL library)
  • ResX Resource Manager – The most popular free tool to localize all kind of applications with resx-based resources.

Tags: c#, open source, c# tools, c# plugins, c# libraries, .net tools, .net plugins, .net libraries, asp.net tools, asp.net plugins, asp.net libraries, ASP.NET MVC, .NET, UI Messages, PCL Library, resx, Message Format, internationalisation, localisation, c# internationalisation, c# localisation, asp.net internationalisation, asp.net localisation, asp.net internationalisation, asp.net localisation, c# ICU messageFormat, .net ICU messageFormat, asp.net ICU messageFormat

Image: Unsplash License.