A list of paid, free or open source C#, F# and .NET parser libraries, plugins and tools including parser combinator, parser construction tools, and embedded c# lexer/parser generators. Sourced under a creative commons. This list will be updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.
Parser libraries, plugins and tools
- Sprache – A simple, lightweight library for constructing parsers directly in C# code
- Pidgin – A lightweight, fast and flexible parsing library for C#, developed at Stack Overflow
- FParsec – A parser combinator library for F#
- Superpower – A C# parser construction toolkit with high-quality error reporting
- CSLY – A light embedded C# lexer/parser generator.
Tags: c#, open source, .net, c# tools, c# plugins, c# libraries, .net tools, .net plugins, .net libraries, asp.net tools, asp.net plugins, asp.net libraries, parser combinator, parser construction tools, embedded c# lexer/parser generators, lexer, parser, f# parser, parser construction, c# parser combinator, c# parser construction tools, c# embedded, c# lexer, c# parser, c# generators, c# lexer, c# parser, f# parser, c# parser construction, .net parser combinator, .net parser construction tools, .net embedded, .net lexer, .net parser, .net generators, .net lexer, .net parser, f# parser, .net parser construction
Image: Unsplash License.