𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐭
- Usage:
find <path> <conditions> <actions>
- Access time conditions:
-atime 0 # Last accessed between now and 24 hours ago
-atime +0 # Accessed more than 24 hours ago
-atime 1 # Accessed between 24 and 48 hours ago
-atime +1 # Accessed more than 48 hours ago
-atime -1 # Accessed less than 24 hours ago (same a 0)
-ctime -6h30m # File status changed within the last 6 hours and 30 minutes
-mtime +1w # Last modified more than 1 week ago
- Conditions:
-name "*.c"
-user jonathan
-type f # File
-type d # Directory
-type l # Symlink
-depth 2 # At least 3 levels deep
-regex PATTERN
-size 8 # Exactly 8 512-bit blocks
-size -128c # Smaller than 128 bytes
-size 1440k # Exactly 1440KiB
-size +10M # Larger than 10MiB
-size +2G # Larger than 2GiB
-newer file.txt
-newerm file.txt # modified newer than file.txt
-newerX file.txt # [c]hange, [m]odified, [B]create
-newerXt "1 hour ago" # [t]imestamp
- Example:
- find a file where:
- owned by user bandit7
- owned by group bandit6
- 33 bytes in size
find / -user bandit7 -group bandit6 -size 33c
Tags: Linux, Find command, Find, find By user, find By date, find Newest, find newer,
License: MIT License