In this post, we will take a deep dive into some advanced concepts and best practices in AngularJS. As always, this list is updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.
Advanced Concepts in AngularJS
- this vs $scope in AngularJS controllers
- What are the nuances of scope prototypal / prototypical inheritance in AngularJS?
- Internationalisation with AngularJS
- AngularJS Websocket Service Example
- Websocket and $rootScope.apply()
- Compile, Pre, and Post Linking
- Rich Object Models and Angular.js
- AngularJS Promises – The Definitive Guide
- A Journey With Trusted HTML in AngularJS
- A 10 minute primer to the new Angular router (Jurgen Van de Moere)
AngularJS Best Practices
- Angular services and useable patterns
- Service, Provider or Factory?
- GlobalCtrl vs $rootScope vs Service
- Let’s Make Full-Ass AngularJS Directives
- AngularJS directive design made easy
- John Papa AngularJS Styleguide
- Angular model objects with JavaScript classes
- How I’ve Improved My Angular Apps by Banning ng-controller
- Breaking Down AngularJS to Smaller Components
Tags: Advanced concepts, Best Practices, AngularJS, Angular, Web Sockets Angular, Components Angular, Angular Compile, Angular Promises, Angular Router, Angular Ng-Controller
License: MIT license