A list of (mostly) free or open source C# and .NET, ASP.NET tools, plugins and libraries for functional programming including, method libraries, LINQ methods, base class libraries and more. Sourced under a creative commons. This list will be updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.

C# and .NET, ASP.NET tools, plugins and libraries for functional programming including, method libraries, LINQ methods, base class libraries and more

  • Curryfy – Provides strongly typed extensions methods for C# delegates to take advantages of functional programming techniques, like currying and partial application.
  • language-ext – This library uses and abuses the features of C# 6+ to provide a functional ‘Base class library’, that, if you squint, can look like extensions to the language itself. It also includes an ‘Erlang like’ process system (actors) that can optionally persist messages and state to Redis (note you can use it without Redis for in-app messaging). The process system additionally supports Rx streams of messages and state allowing for a complete system of reactive events and message dispatch.
  • Optional – A robust option type for C#
  • JFlepp.Maybe – A Maybe type for C#, aimed as an idiomatic port of the option type in F# to C#
  • Optuple – .NET Standard Library for giving (bool, T) Option-like semantics in a non-obtrusive way; this is, there is no new option type dependency for a library or its users.
  • MoreLinq – Provides extra methods to LINQ to Objects.

Tags: c#, open source, c# tools, c# plugins, c# libraries, .net tools, .net plugins, .net libraries, asp.net tools, asp.net plugins, asp.net libraries, c# linq methods, c# base class libraries, c# methods, c# method library, c# functions, c# functional programming, functional programming .net linq methods, .net base class libraries, .net methods, .net method library, .net functional programming, .net functions, asp.net linq methods, asp.net base class libraries, asp.net methods, asp.net method library, asp.net functional programming, asp.net functions

Image: Unsplash License.