A collection of hook management tools for Git. Including tools for pre-commit hooks, hook runners and hook managers with multiple language support. This list will be updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.
A collection of Command Line Tools, Utilities and Plugins for Git
Various tools for daily operations
- pre-commit – a framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks from Yelp. Extensive support for multiple programming language.
- Overcommit – a extendable Git hook manager written with Ruby.
- quickhook – a fast, Unix’y, opinionated Git hook runner
- husky – Git hooks for Node.js, manage your hooks from your package.json
- Mookme – A simple and easy-to-use, yet powerful and language agnostic git hook for monorepos
- more on https://githooks.com/
Tags: Git, Git Tools, Git Command Line Tools, Git Command line Utilities, Git Command Line Plugins, Git Commit tools, Git log to json, fuse file system git, git repository, git utilities, git repos, version control, multiple version control repo tools, git command tools, git command plugins,
Image: Unsplash license