A collection of Git tutorials, courses and ebooks covering git branching, Git LFS, beginner git tutorials, commit, branch, checkout, reset, revert, merge, rebase, fetch, pull, push, tag concepts and more. Sourced under a creative commons. This list will be updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.
Git Tutorials, Courses eBooks and Books
There are tons of learning material on the Web
- Try Git – learn Git in 15 minutes with pseudo-terminal interface
- Atlassian Git Tutorial – comprehensive tutorial on Git
- Learn Version Control with Git – freemium ebook from fournova Software (makers for Tower), associated with paid video course
- Pro Git – free Git book, also available on paper (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
- Learn how to use Git – free tutorials and resources to help you learn the basics of Git
- The Git Community Book – book built by dozens of people in the Git community
- Git Pocket Guide – a short O’Reilly book on Git
- Git Real: Code School – paid training course from Code School
- Git Branching – visual way to learn git branching
- Learn Git in a Month of Lunches – tutorial-based book by Manning Publications
- Git Magic – short book about Git
- Git from the bottom up – great series of articles about Git
- Git-It – Interactive Tutorial App that runs on your Desktop!
- Git How To – step by step intro
- Migrating to Git LFS – Use Git LFS on an existing repository to manage large files in a better way
- Explain Git with D3 – Visualized few basic Git concepts using D3.js: commit, branch, checkout, reset, revert, merge, rebase, fetch, pull, push, tag
- Making Sense of Git – A Visual Perspective – Git from a timeline and level perspective and git commands cheatsheet grouped by functionality
- Git & Git-Flow Cheat Sheet
- Git Tips
- Interactive/Contextual/Visual Cheat Sheet
- The ‘Git Pretty’ Flow-Chart – How to Recover from a Mess
- Software Carpentry: Git Lessons
- The Git Parable – GitHub Cofounder’s Narrative-style Intro to Git Concepts
- CodeBasicsHub: Git Video Tutorials
- Intermediate Git – lower-level, more structural explanation of git concepts
- Fork and Pull Request Workflow – Very nicely explained, simple and crisp way of understanding git fork and pull request workflow.
- Git School Dude – It’s a YouTube channel with a lot of great git videos. It covers everything from the basics to advanced Git topics.
- A Git Choose Your Own Adventure – I never found a git tutorial I didn’t understand while doing it. Just sometimes those tutorials didn’t line up very well with my actual work. This git help in the form of a choose your own adventure was a life saver when I was first starting out.
- On undoing, fixing, or removing commits in git – fairly comprehensive guide to recovering from what you did not mean to do when using git
- Deconstructing a git commit – A blog explaining how git creates and stores commit histories.
- Flight rules for Git – guide about what to do when things go wrong
- Use gitk to understand git – all important Git terms (commit, commit SHA, branch, merge, rebase) explained using gitk
- Git Cherry-pick and its usages – A blog explaining how command git cherry-pick works.
- The ultimate guide to
All about.gitignore
Tags: Git, Git Tutorials, Git eBooks, Git eBooks, Git Short Courses, Git Courses, GIT video tutorials, git fork tutorials, git pull requests tutorials, Git Lessons, Git Tips, Beginner Git Tutorials, Git Resources, Gitk Tutorials, Git Commit Tutorials, Git Commit SHA Tutorials, Git Branch Tutorials, Git Merge Tutorials, Git Rebase Tutorials
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