A collection of functional programming libraries, utilities, plugins and tools in node.js. Sourced under a permissive license. This list will be updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.

Node.js Functional programming libraries and utilities for node.js

functional programming utilities

  • np – Better npm publish.
  • npm-name – Check a package name’s availability on npm.
  • gh-home – Open the GitHub page of the repo in the current directory.
  • npm-home – Open the npm page of a package.
  • trash – Safer alternative to rm.
  • speed-test – Test your internet connection speed and ping.
  • pageres – Capture website screenshots.
  • cpy – Copy files.
  • vtop – More better top, with nice charts.
  • empty-trash – Empty the trash.
  • is-up – Check whether a website is up or down.
  • is-online – Check if the internet connection is up.
  • public-ip – Get your public IP address.
  • clipboard-cli – Copy & paste on the terminal.
  • XO – Enforce strict code style using the JavaScript happiness style.
  • ESLint – The pluggable linting utility for JavaScript.
  • David – Tells you when your package npm dependencies are out of date.
  • http-server – Simple, zero-config command-line HTTP server.
  • Live Server – Development HTTP-server with livereload capability.
  • bcat – Pipe command output to web browsers.
  • normit – Google Translate with speech synthesis in your terminal.
  • fkill – Fabulously kill processes. Cross-platform.
  • pjs – Pipeable JavaScript. Quickly filter, map, and reduce from the terminal.
  • license-checker – Check licenses of your app’s dependencies.
  • browser-run – Easily run code in a browser environment.
  • tmpin – Adds stdin support to any CLI app that accepts file input.
  • wifi-password – Get the current wifi password.
  • wallpaper – Change the desktop wallpaper.
  • pen – Live Markdown preview in the browser from your favorite editor.
  • dark-mode – Toggle the macOS Dark Mode.
  • Jsome – Pretty prints JSON with configurable colors and indentation.
  • mobicon – Mobile app icon generator.
  • mobisplash – Mobile app splash screen generator.
  • diff2html-cli – Pretty git diff to HTML generator.
  • trymodule – Try out npm packages in the terminal.
  • jscpd – Copy/paste detector for source code.
  • atmo – Server-side API mocking.
  • auto-install – Auto installs dependencies as you code.
  • lessmd – Markdown in the terminal.
  • cost-of-modules – Find out which dependencies are slowing you down.
  • localtunnel – Expose your localhost to the world.
  • svg-term-cli – Share terminal sessions via SVG.
  • gtop – System monitoring dashboard for the terminal.
  • themer – Generate themes for your editor, terminal, wallpaper, Slack, and more.
  • carbon-now-cli – Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal.
  • cash-cli – Convert between 170 currencies.
  • taskbook – Tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat.
  • discharge – Easily deploy static websites to Amazon S3.
  • npkill – Easily find and remove old and heavy node_modules folders.

Tags: Node, Node.js, Node.js libraries, node.js utilities, node.js plugins, node.js tools, node libraries, node utilities, node plugins, command line, command line apps, node command line, node command line apps, node.js command line, node.js command line apps, copy & paste node.js, node.js linting, node command line print, node markdown terminal, node.js terminal apps, node.js terminal utilities, node.js npm, node.js charts terminal