A collection of PHP libraries, plugins, utilities and tools for working with CSS markup, HTML5, markdown, images, video, code highlighting and more. Sourced under a permissive license. This list will be updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.

PHP libraries for working with CSS markup, HTML5, markdown, images, video, code highlighting and more

*Libraries for working with markup and CSS formats.

Tags: PHP, PHP libraries, PHP utilities, PHP tools, PHP Plugins, HTML5, Markdown, Images, Video, Code Highlighting, PHP CSS Parser, PHP media extractor, PHP markdown parser, markup parser, serializer library, Shiki Code Highlighter, Vcard parser, iCalender parser, Cebe Markdown, CommonMark PHP, Decoda, Essence, Embera, HTML to Markdown, HTML5 PHP, Parsedown, PHP CSS Parser, PHP Markdown, Shiki PHP, VObject