A collection of PHP tools, libraries and utilities for working with events, dispatchers, non-blocking I/O, sockets, concurrent communications and more, sourced under a permissive creative commons. This list will be updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.

Event, dispatch, non-blocking I/O, sockets, concurrent communications Libraries
Libraries that are event-driven or implement non-blocking event loops.

  • Amp – An event driven non-blocking I/O library.
  • Broadway – An event source and CQRS library.
  • CakePHP Event – An event dispatcher library.
  • Elephant.io – Yet another web socket library.
  • Evenement – An event dispatcher library.
  • Event – An event library with a focus on domain events.
  • Pawl – An asynchronous web socket client.
  • Prooph Event Store – An event source component to persist event messages
  • PHP Defer – Golang’s defer statement for PHP.
  • Ratchet – A web socket library.
  • ReactPHP – An event driven non-blocking I/O library.
  • RxPHP – A reactive extension library.
  • Swoole – An event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking communication framework with high performance for PHP written in C.
  • Workerman – An event driven non-blocking I/O library.

Tags: PHP, events, php events, php dispatchers, php non-blocking IO, php sockets, php concurrency communication, php web sockets, php event dispatch, php CQRS library, domain events, amp, broadway, cakePHP event, evenement, event, pawl, prooph event store, php defer, ratchet, reactPHP, rxPHP, swoole, workerman