In this code snippet, we’ll show an example of a Python language function to perform a bubble sort against a list of items returning a sorted list. The example  sorts a given list of numbers in ascending order using the bubble sort algorithm.

Python language functions to perform a bubble sort against a list of items returning a sorted list

def permute(tab: list, index):
    Generates a new list by swapping two elements in the given list.

        tab (list): The input list.
        index (int): The index of the first element to be swapped.

        list: The modified list with the elements at the specified indices swapped.
    tmp = tab[index]
    tab[index] = tab[index+1]
    tab[index+1] = tmp
    return tab

def bubble_sort(tab: list) -> list:
    Sorts a given list of numbers in ascending order using the bubble sort algorithm.

    - tab (list): The list of numbers to be sorted.

    - list: The sorted list of numbers.
    i = 0
    tab_length = len(tab)
    while i < tab_length:
        if i+1 != tab_length and tab[i] > tab[i+1]:
            tab = permute(tab, i)
            i = -1
        i += 1
    return tab

def main():
    numbers = [12, 4, 120, 8, 45, 7, -1, 44]
    print(f"Here are the list: {numbers}")
    print(f"Here are the sorted list: {bubble_sort(numbers)}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

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Tags: python, bubble sort, sorted list, list, python list, list of numbers, bubble sort algorithm