Implementing (RAKE) Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction algorithm in PHP
A keyword and phrase extraction library based on the Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction algorithm (RAKE). Keywords describe…
A keyword and phrase extraction library based on the Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction algorithm (RAKE). Keywords describe…
title tags drop array,beginner Returns a new array with $n elements removed from the left. Use array_slice() to remove $n elements from the…
title tags clampNumber math, beginner Clamps $num within the inclusive range specified by the boundary values $a and $b. If $num falls within the…
title tags compose function,intermediate Return a new function that composes multiple functions into a single callable. Use array_reduce() to…
title tags countVowels string,regexp,beginner Returns number of vowels in the provided string. Use a regular expression to…
title tags curry function,advanced Curries a function to take arguments in multiple calls. If the number of…
Groups a PHP array by some given function, in this case string length. title tags groupBy array,intermediate…
How to Deep Flatten and Multi-Dimensional Array in PHP with this function title tags deepFlatten array,recursion,intermediate Deep…
How to approximately equal two numbers in PHP with this PHP function / method. title tags approximatelyEqual…
Check if a string starts with a given substring. startsWith string,beginner Use strpos() to find the position of $needle in $haystack. function…
Generates an array, containing the Fibonacci sequence, up until the nth term. Create an empty array, initializing…
A PHP code method used to get geo information from a selected IP using the service,…