Find (clamps) inclusive range specified by the boundary values – PHP method
title tags clampNumber math, beginner Clamps $num within the inclusive range specified by the boundary values $a and $b. If $num falls within the…
title tags clampNumber math, beginner Clamps $num within the inclusive range specified by the boundary values $a and $b. If $num falls within the…
title tags average math,beginner Returns the average of two or more numbers. Use array_sum() for all the values in $items and…
title tags any array,beginner Returns true if the provided function returns true for at least one element of an array, false otherwise. Use array_filter() and count() to…
title tags all array,beginner Returns true if the provided function returns true for all elements of an array, false otherwise. Use array_filter() and count() to check if $func returns true for…