Find the average of two numbers in a PHP array – PHP method
title tags average math,beginner Returns the average of two or more numbers. Use array_sum() for all the values in $items and…
title tags average math,beginner Returns the average of two or more numbers. Use array_sum() for all the values in $items and…
title tags clampNumber math, beginner Clamps $num within the inclusive range specified by the boundary values $a and $b. If $num falls within the…
title tags compose function,intermediate Return a new function that composes multiple functions into a single callable. Use array_reduce() to…
title tags countVowels string,regexp,beginner Returns number of vowels in the provided string. Use a regular expression to…
title tags curry function,advanced Curries a function to take arguments in multiple calls. If the number of…
title tags drop array,beginner Returns a new array with $n elements removed from the left. Use array_slice() to remove $n elements from the…
Are you a web designer looking to streamline your design process and save time. These Web Design…
How to approximately equal two numbers in PHP with this PHP function / method. title tags approximatelyEqual…
How to Deep Flatten and Multi-Dimensional Array in PHP with this function title tags deepFlatten array,recursion,intermediate Deep…
Groups a PHP array by some given function, in this case string length. title tags groupBy array,intermediate…
Linux Command CheatSheet Command Usage ls List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default). cd…
Mastodon, the open-source and decentralized social network which is part of the decentralised federated server network via…