In this collections blog post, we’ll be listing a collection of libraries in PHP for fake data testing, unit testing, mock testing, codebase testing and test data libraries in your PHP project. As always, this list is updated regularly. Email over the URL, if you wish to be included.
PHP Codebase testing and Test Data Library
Libraries for testing codebases and generating test data.
- Alice – An expressive fixture generation library.
- AspectMock – A mocking framework for PHPUnit/Codeception.
- Atoum – A simple testing library.
- Behat – A behaviour driven development (BDD) testing framework.
- Codeception – A full stack testing framework.
- Faker – A fake data generator library.
- Foundry – A fixture factory generation library for Doctrine.
- HTTP Mock – A library for mocking HTTP requests in unit tests.
- Infection – An AST-based PHP Mutation testing framework.
- Kahlan – Full stack Unit/BDD testing framework with built-in stub, mock and code-coverage support.
- Mink – Web acceptance testing.
- Mockery – A mock object library for testing.
- ParaTest – A parallel testing library for PHPUnit.
- Pest – A testing framework with a focus on simplicity.
- Peridot – An event driven test framework.
- Phake – Another mock object library for testing.
- Pho – Another behaviour driven development testing framework.
- PHP-Mock – A mock library for built-in PHP functions (e.g. time()).
- PHP MySQL Engine – A MySQL engine written in pure PHP.
- PHPSpec – A design by specification unit testing library.
- PHPT – A test tool used by PHP itself.
- Prophecy – A highly opinionated mocking framework.
- VFS Stream – A virtual filesystem stream wrapper for testing.
Tags: PHP, testing, software testing, unit testing, fake data, fake data generator, web acceptance, mock library, behaviour driven testing, mock library, faker, alice, aspectmock, atoum, behat, foundry, infection, pest, peridot, phake, pho, php-mock, php mysql engine, phpspec, phpt, prophecy, vfs stream
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