In this code snippet, we’ll show an example of a Python language function to convert the temperature from fahrenheit, celsius and kelvin to another temperature unit.

Python language functions to convert the temperature from fahrenheit, celsius and kelvin to another temperature unit

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def temperature(temperature: float, temp_type: str) -> None:
Convert temperature from one unit to another based on the given temperature and temperature type.
- temperature (float): The temperature value to be converted.
- temp_type (str): The type of temperature value provided. Accepted values are "Fahrenheit", "Celsius", and "Kelvin".
- None
temperature(32, "Fahrenheit")
Output: 32°F is 0°C and 273.15°K
if (temp_type == "Fahrenheit"):
celsius = round(((temperature - 32) * (5/9)), 2)
kelvin = round(((temperature - 32) * (5/9)) + 273.15, 2)
print(f"{temperature}°F is {celsius}°C and {kelvin}°K")
elif (temp_type == "Celsius"):
fahrenheit = round((temperature * (9/5)) + 32, 2)
kelvin = round(temperature + 273.15, 2)
print(f"{temperature}°C is {fahrenheit}°F and {kelvin}°K")
celsius = round(temperature - 273.15, 2)
fahrenheit = round(((temperature - 273.15) * (9/5)) + 32, 2)
print(f"{temperature}°K is {celsius}°C and {fahrenheit}°F")
def main():
temperature_types = ["fahrenheit", "celsius", "kelvin"]
print("Here are the list of temperatures:")
print(", ".join(temperature_types))
temp_type = input("What type of temperature do you want to convert : ")
while temp_type.lower() not in temperature_types:
temp_type = input(
f"This is not a valid option !!!\nTry again using one of the following options [{', '.join(temperature_types)}] : ")
print(f"\nYou have chosen {temp_type.capitalize()}.\n")
temperature_input = input("Type a temperature : ")
temperature(float(temperature_input), temp_type.capitalize())
if __name__ == "__main__":
def temperature(temperature: float, temp_type: str) -> None: """ Convert temperature from one unit to another based on the given temperature and temperature type. Parameters: - temperature (float): The temperature value to be converted. - temp_type (str): The type of temperature value provided. Accepted values are "Fahrenheit", "Celsius", and "Kelvin". Returns: - None Example: temperature(32, "Fahrenheit") Output: 32°F is 0°C and 273.15°K """ if (temp_type == "Fahrenheit"): celsius = round(((temperature - 32) * (5/9)), 2) kelvin = round(((temperature - 32) * (5/9)) + 273.15, 2) print(f"{temperature}°F is {celsius}°C and {kelvin}°K") elif (temp_type == "Celsius"): fahrenheit = round((temperature * (9/5)) + 32, 2) kelvin = round(temperature + 273.15, 2) print(f"{temperature}°C is {fahrenheit}°F and {kelvin}°K") else: celsius = round(temperature - 273.15, 2) fahrenheit = round(((temperature - 273.15) * (9/5)) + 32, 2) print(f"{temperature}°K is {celsius}°C and {fahrenheit}°F") def main(): temperature_types = ["fahrenheit", "celsius", "kelvin"] print("\n************************************") print("Here are the list of temperatures:") print(", ".join(temperature_types)) print("************************************\n\n") temp_type = input("What type of temperature do you want to convert : ") while temp_type.lower() not in temperature_types: temp_type = input( f"This is not a valid option !!!\nTry again using one of the following options [{', '.join(temperature_types)}] : ") print(f"\nYou have chosen {temp_type.capitalize()}.\n") temperature_input = input("Type a temperature : ") temperature(float(temperature_input), temp_type.capitalize()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
def temperature(temperature: float, temp_type: str) -> None:
    Convert temperature from one unit to another based on the given temperature and temperature type.

    - temperature (float): The temperature value to be converted.
    - temp_type (str): The type of temperature value provided. Accepted values are "Fahrenheit", "Celsius", and "Kelvin".

    - None

    temperature(32, "Fahrenheit")
    Output: 32°F is 0°C and 273.15°K
    if (temp_type == "Fahrenheit"):
        celsius = round(((temperature - 32) * (5/9)), 2)
        kelvin = round(((temperature - 32) * (5/9)) + 273.15, 2)
        print(f"{temperature}°F is {celsius}°C and {kelvin}°K")

    elif (temp_type == "Celsius"):
        fahrenheit = round((temperature * (9/5)) + 32, 2)
        kelvin = round(temperature + 273.15, 2)
        print(f"{temperature}°C is {fahrenheit}°F and {kelvin}°K")

        celsius = round(temperature - 273.15, 2)
        fahrenheit = round(((temperature - 273.15) * (9/5)) + 32, 2)
        print(f"{temperature}°K is {celsius}°C and {fahrenheit}°F")

def main():
    temperature_types = ["fahrenheit", "celsius", "kelvin"]

    print("Here are the list of temperatures:")
    print(", ".join(temperature_types))
    temp_type = input("What type of temperature do you want to convert : ")

    while temp_type.lower() not in temperature_types:
        temp_type = input(
            f"This is not a valid option !!!\nTry again using one of the following options [{', '.join(temperature_types)}] : ")

    print(f"\nYou have chosen {temp_type.capitalize()}.\n")
    temperature_input = input("Type a temperature : ")
    temperature(float(temperature_input), temp_type.capitalize())

if __name__ == "__main__":

All code from this code snippet package can be downloaded here.

MIT Licensed Code – See License

Tags: python, temperature, fahrenheit, celsius, kelvin, temperature unit, convert temperature